March 9, 2025 Trending New York News

The Adventures of Dr. Ross Blagg, an Influencer, and Plastic Surgeon Who Knows No Bounds

Fear can often overshadow the soul, stifling creativity and adventure, and for what we know, Dr. Ross Blagg is a fearless, unflinching soul.

He doesn’t seem to fear diving with great white sharks, and he certainly doesn’t fear a project, as he has many on his plate. His first SCUBA dive came at thirteen years of age. Since then, he has lived and dived around the world, while working with organizations, such as Reef Check to try and preserve reefs.  “I developed a love for sharks during these times living overseas,” he says, adding that he and a group of “shark friends” try to observe these apex predators in the wild at least once a year.

Oh! And besides being a shark-diving, traveling do-gooder, he’s a renowned plastic surgeon, currently residing in the boom town, Austin, Texas.

When COVID-19 pushed the masses into their homes and bans on international travel ensued, Dr. Ross was at a loss. Because along with being forced into lockdown, his overseas missions were also terminated. Dr. Ross routinely visited Haiti and Guatemala to carry out his surgical missions. Having seen the doors closed for foreign expeditions, he decided to venture out into the US to find people in need of surgeries. This project grew into what is now  Plastic Surgery Road Trip (PSRT).

PSRT is one of the projects that manifests much of Dr. Blagg as a person. It is a philanthropic adventure that is filmed as a docu-series and is available on YouTube. In this adventure, he sets sail on a trip to meet people who need plastic surgery but are unable to bear the expenses for it. A new buddy joins Ross on every road trip, and the duo turn the trip into a sort of American travel guide along the way. It’s a bit “Queer Eye” meets “Parts Unkown” in that it feels adventurous but there is a heart-warming patient story and makeover at the end.

The project’s goal is to show the personal story of plastic surgery. Dr. Ross felt that plastic surgery needed a media facelift. Not only do we get a look into the lives of those struggling with issues related to plastic surgery, we get to learn about quick the dynamic plastic surgeon along the way. You can follow along on  YouTube. The first series is available with many more apparently in the works. You can also follow the daily adventures of Dr. Blagg on Instagram: @dr.rossblagg.

As if a busy surgical practice and road-tripping around the states weren’t enough, Dr. Ross also developed a supplement called The After Surgery Supplement to take after surgery improved recovery after surgery.

When asked how he has enough energy for all these endevors, he states that he is able to focus ‘really well.’ He says that if he wants to do something, that’s all he thinks about. According to him, growing up on a farm taught him the value of persistence and hard work very early on.

Dr. Ross Blagg is craving his surgical missions abroad and eagerly waiting for borders to open, but he’s found a new passion in Plastic Surgery Road Trip and though he plans to resume the global trips, he’s not ready to give up this new domestic calling anytime soon.

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