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Inspirational Speaker and 6X Author, Kardell Sims, on His Journey to Success

Success isn’t always about the destination; it’s about the path, the journey that leads you to where your dreams and goals lie. And when someone has walked that path with consistency, perseverance, and a positive attitude, they can proudly look back, pat themselves on the back and become an inspiration for themselves and others. The story of the author, speaker, and re-entry specialist Kardell Sims is similar in so many ways.

Overcoming poverty, gangs, drugs, prison, and many other odds, Kardell Sims has come a long way in carving his own destiny. While it took him twenty long years to realize his true pathway, there was no looking back once he did. You would be astonished to know how a man involved with the justice system for most of his adult years turned his life around and became a source of inspiration for millions.

Growing up, Kardell had pretty limited choices. Being the second child of a 16-year-old mother, his poor circumstances and background left him hustling and drug dealing at a reasonably young age. By the time he was 15, Kardell had already been involved in the first case that charged him with first-degree assault. However, life gave him another chance when his basketball coach spoke on his behalf in court and took him in as a foster child after he got out on probation.

At that point, Kardell had no mind changing the course of his life. As soon as he walked out of the prison gates, he was out on the streets again, hanging around with the same people and dealing with drugs like cocaine and marijuana. From then on, it became sort of a routine. He would go to jail only to come back to the streets to gang-bang again. And for two long decades, he lived his life the same way before making the ultimate mindset shift.

While incarcerated in the federal prison, Kardell finally realized that the first victim of his actions would be none other than himself. The awareness led him to make a decision that would allow him to live an honorable and successful life. Hoping to stay away from criminality once he got out, he spent his federal time putting together all his visions, plans, and goals to not return to prison again. And when he walked out of the prison gates, he had nothing but a plan he had put together while being incarcerated.

Since then, Kardell has been not only working to better his own life but he’s also mentoring other individuals facing similar problems. Now, he serves as a master-certified empowerment coach, business owner, re-entry specialist, and prison prevention mentor. Pouring his time and experience, Kardell is giving back to those who are still on their journey to change.

Speaking at universities, clubs, prisons, and many other places, the ex-inmate is making sure to teach everyone a lesson from his experiences and prevent them from walking down the same path. His publishing accomplishments include Inmate to Inspiration: How I Freed Myself From Self-Destruction and five more books with life-changing lessons.

Kardell paved his re-entry pathway through a positive mindset, consistency, and learning. Now, he’s helping others do the same. Visit Kardell Sims’ website here to have a look at the prison expert’s life journey, podcasts, and service areas.

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