Justin Janoska, an expert trauma healer and founder of “The Autoimmune Revolution,” is committed to helping revolutionize how we address and heal from autoimmune disease, trauma, and the resultant emotional and physical detachment.
Emotional detachment is defined as a person’s incapacity to interact with their own or others’ feelings fully. It can obstruct a person’s physical, psychological, emotional, and social growth. On the other hand, disconnecting from one’s sentiments may be beneficial for those in stressful situations.
Justin is dedicated to his work, and he is often the ultimate choice for many patients who have spent decades trying to find a solution to their health problems. He believes that emotional and physical well-being are equally crucial for us to attain our objectives.
To survive stressful experiences, some individuals may become emotionally disconnected. However, to guarantee that this does not become permanent, a person should seek treatment. If it’s harming his/her capacity to maintain relationships or other elements of their daily life, they should seek advice from a qualified professional.
The accomplished clinician advises his clients that if they want their immune systems to stop attacking everything and learn to be unresponsive to food, toxins, bacteria, and other triggers, they must detox their minds as well as their bodies, which requires them to become responsive to life’s challenges and demands.
In his words, the solution to almost all physical and mental ailments is a change in consciousness. The more we detach our emotional and spiritual health from our physical body – whether with cancer, autoimmune disease, or weight loss – the wider the gap between our current self and desired self.
Hence, Justin urges his customers and followers to focus on the mind-body connection to maintain their physical and mental well-being. That’s where it all begins. According to the renowned physician, “the essence of what we accomplish is a change in consciousness.” Nothing will be able to last without it. The brain, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are the first to respond, followed by the body.
The better and more equipped your mind and body are to heal themselves, the healthier you will be, and more in sync between what you are and what you desire to become! Always remember, you are in charge of your well-being and the future self you seek.