The world of fashion is constantly changing, with new trends emerging left, right, and center at supersonic speed. This change, however, is necessary as it keeps people in a state of anxious anticipation for the next move. The status quo can bore the masses, involving constant experimentation and new techniques in the fashion world. These days, it’s all about fashion curation and the response is overwhelming. While the idea itself is awesome, it is the presence of marvelous fashion curators and personalities like Flavia Millen who give life to the idea, giving life to the imagination and turning it into a reality.
Curators personalize the fashion experience, giving context to a material’s mute and untold story. With her charms, astounding appearance, and immaculate artistic and fashion sense, Flavia renders meaning to everything she works on. Her personality attracts hundreds of thousands all over the world, and it makes her a goldmine for fashion brands.
Flavia stumbled into the world of fashion when she appeared on social media profiles for her art advisory services. Her ravishing beauty and her superior sense of style, propelled her Instagram account. In no time, she was inundated with requests from high-end fashion brands, asking for her services. It was unexpected for sure, but not unwanted at all. Flavia was a fashion enthusiast from the very start, and her role as a fashion curator was something that resonated with her.
Turning her passion into a profession, Flavia started her journey in 2012 and has never looked back. She takes pride in working with a lengthy list of intimidating, high-end global fashion brands, which shows her dedication and consistency in terms of performance.
Following your passion is amazing but does not necessarily mean money falling into your lap with minimal effort. Flavia’s unflinching dedication, knowledge of the field, and keen sense of art and aesthetics pave the way for her to attain magnanimous success. Flavia found the perfect recipe to reach the top and has been featured on the front page of many fashion magazines.
Being a fashion curator and art advisor may appear easy, but the truth is far from it. Behind those appealing cuts, captivating colors, awe-inspiring wardrobes, and thought-provoking art is a lot of research, a keen artistic sense, aesthetic perfection, and creativity. Flavia’s profession is truly enjoyable, but she knows it requires unwavering attention and commitment. With a firm resolve and persistent effort, she aims to reach out to more people and leave a strong, positive impact through her words and actions.