Cancer is one of the most difficult diseases to recuperate from for a host of reasons. From the physical changes that accompany the healing process to the emotional and social repercussions, it is a process for which no exhaustive guide exists.
The best that can be done, as advised by oncologists and psychologists alike, is to allow the patients room to figure out what works for them on their own. At the same time, basic rehabilitation is necessary in every case, and this is what successful Oncosurgeon and head-and-neck specialist Dr. Ravi Shankar wants to educate people about.
With an experience of almost a decade, Dr. Shankar understands the delicate intricacies of dealing with patients in cancer remission. After getting his MBBS from Maulana Azad Medical College, he joined Tata Memorial Hospital as a senior resident and later as an Assistant Professor. He is currently practicing as a senior healthcare consultant at HCG Cancer Center, Mumbai. During his tenure as an Associate Professor at Tata Memorial Center, he trained over a dozen young doctors in close association.
Over the years, Dr. Shankar has observed the scarcity of rehabilitation centers for people recovering from cancer, especially in areas outside of an immediate urban setting where there is almost no rehabilitation practice. Rehabilitation in true sense starts from primordial prevention i.e. Tobacco cessation. This is especially true because smoking cessation or discontinuation of tobacco intake can have various side effects and withdrawal symptoms that might need more than just physiological attention.
Tobacco addiction therapy and recovery is a lengthy and uncomfortable procedure from drug dependence to drug-free, healthy living. Addicts require the most aid and care in order to abstain from drugs and break the addictive cycle, necessitating the need for comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation programs that address individuals’ biological, psychological, and social requirements.
The need for rehabilitation extends to pretreatment and post surgery rehabilitation. Cancer and cancer treatment, can have many effects that hinder regular functioning. In order to ease patients into a post-remission life, rehabilitation can make a big difference in not just their physical abilities but also their moods and emotions.
To do his part, Dr. Shankar regularly starts dialogues about the urgency of rehab centers across the country. In addition, he collaborates with plastic surgeons and physiotherapists that also take an active part in the rehabilitation process of the patients, as physicalities can play a huge role in a full recovery, both on the level of physical health and mental health owing to self-perception.
To learn more about Dr. Shankar’s work and expertise, you can connect with him on his LinkedIn account.