Have you ever noticed how you feel after a 30-minute walk? No matter how sluggish we feel, something about movement boosts our energy levels. Even the slightest movements can change how we perceive our bodies. Many people turn to YouTube workout videos as their go-to fitness regime. These videos include easy workouts designed by relatable and realistic fitness coaches.
One such fun-to-follow coach and personal trainer is Andrea Ross, who supports and advocates the movement’s significance for women. But what benefits does the movement offer women? Let’s explore.
Physical Benefits of Movement/Exercise:
Before getting started, it is essential to understand that by movement, we mean exercise of any type or form. This can include running, walking, swimming, Zumba, HIIT, strength or weight training, cardio, and pilates, among other activities. These have specific benefits, but we will discuss the overall general benefits of movement in this article.
According to the Mayo Clinic, it helps women by lowering their blood pressure and blood sugar levels. This is beneficial in controlling hypertension and type II diabetes. Continuous movement or regular exercise also activates high-density lipoprotein production, inhibiting the formation of harmful and unhealthy triglycerides. This results in a better and smoother blood flow through the veins and arteries, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, etc.
Movement is vital to weight loss. It not only burns calories but also speeds up the metabolism, which contributes to weight loss.
For Andrea, movement has been an integral part of her lifelong journey. She has been an athlete her whole life. She initially competed in wrestling and later started coaching gymnastics after graduation. Finally, she became a stuntwoman and started her own business, Live Your Fierce. Andrea offers online courses that are easy, fun, and doable for all women. She believes that movement isn’t just about weight loss but gaining strength.
Our strength decides how strong, internally fit, and healthy we are. Andrea explained that our strength helps us with our daily chores. We can easily lift heavy objects, such as our grocery bags, and walk for long periods without feeling tired or drained. She emphasizes that the strength we develop through movement helps women with childbirth, too.
Psychological Benefits of Movement/Exercise:
The advantages of movement transcend physical ones. It has psychological benefits, too. According to the National Institute on Aging, movement or exercise adds to stress reduction, resulting in relief from anxiety and depression. It also enhances sleep quality, resulting in a boost in mood and energy.
When asked about the psychological health of movement, Andrea said, “It elevates our sense of being, which means that movement makes us feel good about ourselves. It gives us confidence and helps us overcome significant body image issues. It helps us discover what our bodies are capable of, making us fearless.”
Hence, Andrea believes that movement isn’t about looking great but feeling great. We are all already great-looking, but sometimes, we don’t feel that way. That is why she encourages women to participate in her online courses so she can target their most crucial problem: feeling insecure about themselves. The movement fights against insecurities and makes us feel better about our skin and bodies. It makes us understand our self-worth and teaches us self-love.
Amid our hectic daily lives, it’s essential to carve out time for self-care to ensure our bodies receive the attention they deserve. While daily workouts might seem overwhelming, integrating movement, stretching, meditation, or yoga into our routines can significantly enhance our well-being.
You don’t need to push yourself to extremes with intense workouts when low-impact exercises can offer comparable benefits. For those looking for a more accessible and enjoyable fitness regimen, Andrea’s course is an excellent option. It provides personalized coaching that makes workouts more approachable, enjoyable, and convenient, helping individuals stay consistent and achieve their fitness goals while enjoying the process.
In today’s daily trends, wellness practices such as quick mindfulness sessions or simple stretches have gained popularity as effective ways to manage stress and improve overall health. By embracing these trends, you can seamlessly incorporate self-care into your busy schedule without the pressure of high-intensity workouts.