March 9, 2025 Trending New York News

Here’s How Karen Thomson Curbed Her Sugar and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction can be excruciating, no matter what it is we are addicted to. Scientifically speaking, every addictive substance reaches our brain via the same dopamine pathway. So one can be addicted to alcohol, drugs, coffee, carbs and even sugar – the hold is superhuman all the same. Karen Thomson, an entrepreneur and a best-selling author, has also battled alcohol and cocaine addiction, but she believed sugar to be her most prominent foe.

Karen has been enjoying her sugar and substance-free life for many years now. She has even founded relevant platforms to combat addictions like hers: The Sugar-Free Revolution and Super Sexy Sobriety.

Since childhood, Karen used to soothe herself with sugar. A piece of cake and a fizzy drink would provide her safety, comfort, and happiness like no other. A turning point came when she realized that she was addicted to sugar and used it to calm her from emotional triggers. Once she accepted that, she did her best to abstain from excessive consumption and after a while, the effect sugar had on her was not as intense.

When you have been through something yourself personally, you are more empathetic towards a cause. That’s why, after combating her own addiction, Karen founded The Sugar-Free Revolution. It is an eight-week online program aimed at helping others addicted to carbs and sugar. She has also launched Harmony Eating & Lifestyle Program (HELP)-  an in-patient addiction continuum care.

Karen also successfully recovered from alcohol and cocaine addiction when she was 24 years old. One day, she checked herself into rehab for ten months; today, she is 18 years sober. Keeping in line with The Sugar-Free Revolution, she has started a new venture called Super Sexy Sobriety, which aims to inspire people to embrace sobriety and look at it as something ‘sexy.’ Karen has incredible and exciting things planned for Super Sexy Sobriety, including a soon-to-be-launched podcast and a coaching platform.

As the name implies, Super Sexy Sobriety  is supposed to make one feel sexy, wild, and free. The glowing Karen Thomson is a living proof of that. Moreover, she has made her life sweet – even without the sugar. Her passion, energy, confidence, and authenticity inspire lives every day.

Lastly, she is a massive believer in one’s own capabilities and courage; no one can stop you if you wish to distance yourself from your addictions, and transform your life into something exciting and worthy. Karen believes we all have the power to make the change we want and deserve to write our own Super Sexy Sobriety stories.

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