Proper nutrition is also fundamental for our brain: healthy and genuine and poorly refined foods are decisive for physical and mental well-being. There are in fact foods that are considered harmful to the brain: in the long run they could lead to a decrease in memory or a decrease in the elasticity of the government, leading to a risk-dementia. Among these foods considered harmful, those that are too sugary or ready meals. Read also: Why the vegan diet can ruin the brain Among the foods harmful to our “mind” here are the sugary drinks, which increase the possibility of Alzheimer’s. And again, white flours and refined carbohydrates, which decrease some functions related to memory due to the greater probability of inflammation in the hippocampus. Ready-made and prepackaged foods, which contain preservatives and hydrogenates, always related to Alzheimer’s, are also not recommended. Also rejected aspartame, which inhibits the area of the brain that regulates emotions. But the worst enemy for our brain remains alcohol, the abuse of which involves the reduction of brain volume and compromises neurotransmitters.
Nutrition, the dangerous foods for our brain: Alzheimer’s risk, where the pitfalls are hidden