After the fake doctors knocking on the door, there are those who still speculate on the coronavirus. The State Police, through its Facebook page, has launched an alarm to citizens. “Web criminals are taking advantage of this moment of vulnerability to target unsuspecting victims with COVID-19 Phishing activities. There are already several computer scams discovered and reported by the Postal and Communications Police since fear was generated. for COVID-19 “.
The information reads of “a campaign of computer fraud through the forwarding of emails signed by such a doctor Penelope Marchetti, alleged ‘expert’ of the World Health Organization in Italy”. Inside the mail, however, there are “fake e-mail messages, with professional and absolutely credible language, which invite the victims to open an infected attachment, containing alleged precautions to avoid coronavirus infection”. The malware aims to steal our sensitive data and the invitation, of course, is to be wary of these and similar messages.