March 9, 2025 Trending New York News

Author of ‘Walk through the Fire,’ Trevoy Pointer Is Transforming Businesses with a Success Mindset

Navigating the entrepreneurial world means going down numerous pathways and alleys filled with confusion, hurdles, roadblocks, competition, and looming fear. To reach the top, you would have little to no choice but to tread these paths. Oftentimes, being alone and directionless may even get the better of you and limit your progress. But Trevoy Pointer specializes in helping entrepreneurs who are passionate about securing their financial nest but need help achieving this milestone.

Motivated and determined, Trevoy fell in love with progression. No one had ever explained to him how the real world works, how to conduct business or anything remotely similar to finance management. So he learned a plethora of facts about the world, business, and entrepreneurship all on his own through various means.

This propelled him to push himself harder. He learned the fundamentals of success, particularly in terms of wealth and mindsets, which proved to be a game-changer for him. Next, he penned all that he learned into a book that proved to be the ultimate blueprint to simplifying success.

Titled ‘Walk Through The Fire’, Trevoy’s masterpiece narrates his story of being a college superstar who had to make a lifestyle and career shift from delivering food to doing what he does today. The book is a testimony to his unwavering commitment to changing his life and setting his future generations up so they’ll never have to walk this world in confusion.

As for his plunge into the business world, Trevoy’s mind over matter mantra sets him apart from his contemporaries. Given the burgeoning number of people attaining knowledge about business’s intricacies, Trevoy acknowledges the competition. He states that most businesses are duplicatable and they will thrive only with the right systems anchoring them.

A staunch believer of the golden words “where there is a will there’s a way,” he believes if he can empower people to start making decisions for themselves then he can play a positive role in making his vicinity a better place. Such concepts can be learned over time but empowering people to think for themselves and make confident decisions should be the ultimate goal of a life coach like Trevoy. So, the thriving entrepreneur uses personal finance and mindset mastery as an opportunity to empower people.

Today, Trevoy is a proud father, a licensed financial professional, mindset mentor, business owner, and entrepreneur. He has dabbled in diverse roles in the entertainment field and has worked with household name companies like Roc Nation, Bud Light, and Mountain Dew. As for his writing endeavors, he will start working on his next book by the fall of 2022.

The future is bright for Trevoy as his goal is to become financially independent through his business investments. He eventually wants to get into architecture and philosophy. But family comes first for the ace financial professional, so he wants to make sure he enjoys financial independence while simultaneously spending time with his loved ones. Needless to say, his goals are the dream accomplished in life for everyone.

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